Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia menyelenggarakan acara Webinar Medis dalam rangka memperingati World Arthritis and Osteoporosis Day 2024, “Bebas Bergerak, Kuatkan Tulang: Mari Lawan Artritis dan Cegah Osteoporosis secara online pada:
📅 09 November 2024
⏰ 08.30 – 12.15 WIB
- Webinar 1
Topik - Unlocking the Mysteries of Spondyloarthritis: From Diagnosis to Management
🎤 Speaker:
📓 1. Dr. dr. Lita Diah Rahmawati, Sp.PD, K-R
“Advancing Axial Spondyloarthritis Care: From Early Detection to Effective Management”
📓 2. dr. Anna Ariane, Sp.PD, K-R
“From symptoms to Solutions: Latest Advances in Diagnosing and Managing Psoriatic Arthritis”
🎤 Moderator :
dr. Anggarda Kristianti Utomo, Sp.PD
- Webinar 2
Topik - Rheumatic Diseases and Cardiovascular Risk: Leveraging TNF Alpha Inhibitors as the First Line of Defense
🎤 Speaker:
📓 1. dr. Perdana Aditya Rahman, Sp.PD, K-R
“Cardiovascular Issues in RA: Focus on the Connection between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Heart Health, Stressing the need for Proactive Care”
📓 2. dr. Faisal Parlindungan, Sp.PD, K-R
“TNF Alpha Inhibitors: Prioritizing Heart Health in Rheumatic Diseases Treatment”
🎤 Moderator :
dr. Johanda Damanik, Sp.PD
🌐 FREE Online Registration: http://bit.ly/WAD09112024
Informasi & Contact Person:
Call center STP: 085210732327
Ahaamedia: 085840799613
Terima kasih, kami tunggu partisipasi Sejawat pada Webinar Medis WAOD 2024 🙏