Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association


A Brief History of Indonesian Rheumatology Association (IRA)​

The Indonesian Rheumatology Association (IRA) was first established in Solo, Central Java in 1972 by Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso. At that time he was really concerned in regards with the increase of rheumatic patients having deformities. He and Dr. Soepanto, an orthopedic surgeon, then registered IRA as a one of SEAPAL member. The first Rheumatology Course in August 1982 became the starting point of the development of Rheumatology Science in Indonesia. Several participants in this course were then became the driving force in the development of Rheumatology in Indonesia.

Starting milestones of IRA development

First Rheumatology Periodic Course, August 9 – 13, 1982, Jakarta

Upgrading course on Immuno-rheumatology in 1989, Jakarta

First National Congress of IRA, July 28 – 30, 1983 in Semarang, Central Java.
The first congress outcomes:
Officially declared Statutes / Post-secondary Law of IRA
First President
President elected was dr. A.R. Nasution
Launch of IRA Logo
Red circle with black edges symbolize the unity of Indonesia, two leafs symbolize the treatment and the red and white colors symbolized not only Indonesian flag but also inflammation and non-inflammation

Vision, Mission and Goals

Becoming a renowned organization nationally and internationally in advancing the field of rheumatology and musculoskeletal disease
  • > Advancing and developing knowledge and skill in rheumatology for its member, other health care professionals and society
  • > Applying knowledge and skill in rheumatology for the health and welfare of Indonesian in particular and humanity in general
  • > Establishing cooperation with parties related to the development of rheumatology field
  • > Connect, strengthen, and unite members and maintain professionalism among members
  • > Improve the knowledge and understanding of healthcare provider in regards with rheumatic disease
  • > Improve the knowledge and understanding of society and general community in regards with rheumatic diseases
  • > Improve the quality of life of rheumatic disease patients
  • > Build collaboration between health organizations especially in rheumatology field
  • > Provide training in rheumatology field for physician, healthcare providers, patients and societies

Rheumatologist Subspecialist / Consultant

During the congress of Indonesian Internal Medicine Association VI (KOPAPDI VI), July 24 – 28 1984, Rheumatologist was first introduced as one of the subspecialists in Internal Medicine in Indonesia, and dr. A.R. Nasution was inaugurated as the first Rheumatology Consultant. Later in 1986, Rheumatology Consultant were also granted to:

Dr. H.M. Adnan
from Jakarta
Dr. Harry Isbagio
from Jakarta
Dr. Gina H. Santoso
from Surabaya
Dr. Zaenal Effendi
from Surabaya
Dr. O.K. Moehad Sjah
from Medan
Dr. Agus Adi Lukito
from Bandung
Dr. E.S. Tehupeiory
from Makassar

IRA Today

The current number of Internist Rheumatology Consultant (SpPD-KR) in Indonesia until June 2020 is 76, spread throughout the big cities in Indonesia.
Indonesian Rheumatology Association has 18 branches spread through out the big cities in Indonesia: Medan, Padang, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Denpasar, Makassar, Manado, Banjarmasin and Balikpapan
Organizing Congress and Working Conference
National Congress is held every 4 years, whereas Working Conference is held every 2 years. During the event of Congress or Conference, there will be a national scientific meeting and discussion of organization affairs.

IRA National Congresses

Following are IRA national congresses which some of them held in conjunction with international Rheumatology meetings

1st National Congress of IRA, in July 1983, Semarang
Elected dr. A.R. Nasution, SpPD-KR as President of IRA
2nd National Congress of IRA in January 1987, Jakarta
Elected dr. A.R. Nasution, SpPD-KR as President of IRA. This congress was held in conjunction with the 1st ASEAN Congress of Rheumatology and the 1st International Congress of Rheumatology in Indonesia
3rd National Congress of IRA in September 1992, Bali
Elected dr. H.M. Adnan SpPD-KR as President of IRA. This congress was held in conjunction with 7th Congress of APLAR. For the second time International Rheumatology Congress was held in Indonesia
4th National Congress IRA in July 1997, Bandung
Elected dr. Harry Isbagio, SpPD-KR as President of IRA. This congress is held in conjunction with The 1st Congress of Indonesian SLE Association
5th National Congress IRA in June 2001, Surabaya
Elected dr. Harry Isbagio, SpPD-KR as President of IRA
6th National Congress IRA in June 2006, Surabaya
Elected Prof Dr. dr. Handono Kalim, SpPD-KR as President of IRA
7th National Congress IRA in December 2009, Bali
Elected Prof Dr. dr. Handono Kalim, SpPD-KR as President of IRA. This congress is held in conjunction with 1st Indonesian Japan Rheumatology Forum (IJRF)
8th National Congress IRA in December 2014, Medan
Elected dr. Sumariyono, SpPD-KR as President of IRA
9th National Congress IRA in June 2022, Makassar
Elected Dr. dr. Rudy Hidayat, SpPD-KR as President of IRA

Beside the National Congress, the branches of IRA held their annual meeting, which usually attended by 200 to 900 participants; depended on the host city. Aside from rheumatologist the meeting participants also includes general practitioners, internists, orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation medicine specialists and neurologists.

IRA & IRA Branches

Following are the annual scientific meeting organized by IRA and IRA branches

Temu Ilmiah Reumatologi (TIR) / Rheumatology Scientific Meeting
held annually in Jakarta, started in 1999, this year in 2016 is the 18th meeting
Kajian Ilmiah Reumatologi (KIRNAS) / Rheumatology Scientific Review or Rheumatology Annual Meeting
in Joglosemar (Jogjakarta/ Solo/ Semarang), started in 2006, this year in 2016 is the 11th meeting
Pain and Rheumatology Update (RPU)
in Sudema (Surabaya / Denpasar / Malang) started in 2007
Reumatologi Klinik Bandung (RKB) / Clinical Rheumatology Bandung
held annually in Bandung, since 2008, this year in 2016 is the 9th meeting.
Balikpapan Rheumatology Update (BRU)
in Balikpapan started in 2013
As the contribution for the treatment of rheumatic diseases

Indonesian Rheumatism Association has published several Guidelines in Rheumatology for following diseases

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pain Management
IRA also work together with community organizations, such as Lupus Foundation of Indonesia, Syamsi Dhuha Foundation and Perhimpunan Masyarakat Peduli Reumatik (Permari) / Society for Care of Rheumatism

The collaboration intend to give appropriate information about rheumatic disease to society, help patients to understand their disease and find the better solution and care of their diseases. Together with rehabilitation medicine doctors, IRA also created the special exercises for patients with rheumatic diseases.

IRA Future

In the future IRA would like to encourage more young doctors in Indonesia to work in Rheumatology field. IRA will also work together with government, society as well as other health professionals to increase the awareness of rheumatic and autoimmune disease and find the better way to manage these diseases in Indonesia.