Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

IJR Vol 9 No.2, July – December 2017; Osteomalacia Induced by Renal Tubular Acidosis Type 1

Osteomalacia Induced by Renal Tubular Acidosis Type 1

Renal Tubular Acidosis, a group of disorders
characterized by defective renal acid-base regulation,
can impair mineralization of bone matrix in adults known
as osteomalacia. RTA is classified into 3 major forms,
such as proximal RTA or type 2; distal RTA or type 1;
and hyperkalemic RTA or type 4. Among all type of RTA,
proximal RTA or type 2 is known have association with
Fanconi syndrome and bone involvement. However,
distal RTA or type 1 can also cause osteomalacia. Hereby
we report a case of 22 years old Asian woman who was
firstly diagnosed with distal type RTA several years ago
then started developing bone involvement recently. She
was complaining with low back pain due to fracture on
left medial side of inferior pubic ramus and endplate
fracture on right side superior L4 and BMD examination
showed low mineral density. She was diagnosed with
osteomalacia induced by distal type RTA due to the loss
of calcium salts from bone and hypophosphatemia.
Keywords: Osteomalacia; Renal Tubular Acidosis;
Hypokalemia; Hypophosphatemia