Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

IJR Vol 4 No.1 Jan 2013; Case Report: Erosive polyarthritis in multicentric eticulohistiocytosis mimics rheumatoid arthritis

BPP Suryana, L Puspitasari, CS Wahono, H Kalim – Case Report: Erosive polyarthritis in multicentric eticulohistiocytosis mimics rheumatoid arthritis

Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis (MRH) is a very rare multisystemic syndrome.1,2 The fi rst case of MRH was described by Goltz and Layman in 1954 and so far only less than 200 cases have been reported.3-5 It is characterized by the insidious onset of polyarthritis that often evolves into a severe erosive deforming arthritis and characteristic skin lesions composed of nodules and plaques containing lipid-laden (periodic acidSchiff-positive) histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells.6 It most commonly affects the hands and cervical spine.7 MRH is also known as lipoid dermatoarthritis, lipoid rheumatism, and giant cell reticulohistiocytosis.4 MRH is occured due to infi ltration of multinucleated giant cells and histiocytes into various tissues. The typical pictures include skin nodules and destructive polyarthritis.3 This entity is frequently mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis (RA).3 MRH is often associated with systemic complication and various types of malignancy. Therefore, sometimes it is considered a paraneoplastic syndrome.8