Because the hormone estrogen in women can potentially cause a bad immune system, women are more prone to joint inflammation.
For the reason that the hormone estrogen in women can have the potential to cause a bad immune system, Therefore, than men, women are more susceptible to arthritis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (AR) – See more at: often-hit-joints-inflammation # sthash.oS9673OI.dpuf Because the reason the hormone estrogen in women has the potential to cause a bad immune system, then men are more susceptible to arthritis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (AR )
According to Dr. Andry Reza Rahmadi, SpPD, MKes, an Internal Medicine Specialist at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, the hormone itself, in essence, can affect autoimmune conditions. So, some autoimmune diseases like AR are common in women.
“The ratio with men for AR is 4: 1. Likewise with lupus, the ratio is 9: 1. So, 9 women who experience, then there is 1 male. So, it’s clear that estrogen has a role , “explained Andry, written on Friday (18/10/2013)
This was explained by Andry to a number of journalists who met him, in the Get To Know Rheumatoid Arthritis ‘Appropriate Treatment and Music Therapy Improve the Quality of Life of Patients’ , the Cafe Energy, Energy Building, SCBD Area, Jakarta, Thursday (17/10/2013)
Furthermore, the man who is also a member of the Indonesian Rheumatology Associations (IRA) said, autoimmune is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly recognizes and attacks the body’s own tissues.
“The immune system, which is supposed to neutralize and protect the body, actually attacks the body itself, including the joints. So, the joints react with inflammation such as redness, heat, pain, and swelling,” he said.
“Not only that, the large number of cells that are then involved makes the patient have a fever, and the joints are very difficult to move,” added Andry.
AR itself is a progressive, systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation in multiple joints. This disease itself is clearly different from gout, which is always considered the same by ordinary people.
According to the data, AR is an autoimmune disease that affects more than 21 million people worldwide. Andry even said, of the total population in Indonesia, which is almost 2 million people, at least 360 thousand have been recorded suffering from AR disease.
Since AR is a systemic disease, it is clear that not only the joints are involved, but involve the organs and systems of the body as a whole. – See more at: Because the reason the hormone estrogen in women can has the potential to cause an immune system that is not good, so that than men, women are more susceptible to arthritis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (AR)
According to Dr. Andry Reza Rahmadi, SpPD, MKes, an Internal Medicine Specialist at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, the hormone itself, in essence, can affect autoimmune conditions. So, some autoimmune diseases like AR are common in women.
“The ratio with men for AR is 4: 1. Likewise with lupus, the ratio is 9: 1. So, 9 women who experience, then there is 1 male. So, it’s clear that estrogen has a role , “explained Andry, written on Friday (18/10/2013)
This was explained by Andry to a number of journalists who met him, in the Get To Know Rheumatoid Arthritis ‘Appropriate Treatment and Music Therapy Improve the Quality of Life of Patients’ , the Cafe Energy, Energy Building, SCBD Area, Jakarta, Thursday (17/10/2013)
Furthermore, the man who is also a member of the Indonesian Rheumatology Associations (IRA) said, autoimmune is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly recognizes and attacks the body’s own tissues.
“The immune system, which is supposed to neutralize and protect the body, actually attacks the body itself, including the joints. So, the joints react with inflammation such as redness, heat, pain, and swelling,” he said.
“Not only that, the large number of cells that are then involved makes the patient have a fever, and the joints are very difficult to move,” added Andry.
AR itself is a progressive, systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation in multiple joints. This disease itself is clearly different from gout, which is always considered the same by ordinary people.
According to the data, AR is an autoimmune disease that affects more than 21 million people worldwide. Andry even said, of the total population in Indonesia, which is almost 2 million people, at least 360 thousand have been recorded suffering from AR disease.
Since AR is a systemic disease, it is clear that not only the joints are involved, but involve the organs and systems of the body as a whole. – See more at: