Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

Vitamin D, An Awesome New Nutrition

Attention At Vitamin D

Most of us know that we need vitamin D for strong bones. However, it is currently found that vitamins, also play a role in cancer, diabetes, some autoimmune disorders, and even weight gain.

Vitamin D and Your Bones

Vitamin D allows your body to absorb calcium. Without it, your bones can become brittle and weak. In adults, too little vitamin D can cause brittle bones or & nbsp; osteoporosis. In children, vitamin D deficiency causes many cases of rickets, bone disease and other major public health problems. Milk fortified with vitamin D can eliminate these disorders.

Vitamin D comes from the skin

In the real world, you don’t have to worry about getting enough vitamin D. Your body produces it on its own. The trick is to expose parts of your skin to direct sunlight for 15 to 30 minutes a few days a week. But UV rays that stimulate the production of vitamin D can also cause skin cancer. So most experts don’t recommend that you get vitamin D from excessive sun exposure.

Vitamin D Is Where You Live

The darker a person’s skin tone, the more difficult it is to absorb & nbsp; vitamin D from sunlight. People of light skin color may just need 10 to 15 minutes of sunbathing to get their vitamin D. Some people who are sensitive to sunlight may need other sources.

Who Who works is risk Vitamin deficiency D? < / p>

Studies find vitamin D deficiency affects adults, infants, children, and adolescents. Your diet can increase your risk if you consume less milk or foods that naturally contain vitamin D, such as salmon and eggs. Most people with low vitamin D levels show no symptoms. Other risk factors include:

– Obesity
– indigestion such as Celiac disease
– Old age (50+)

Vitamin D and Cancer

Early research suggests vitamin D may help protect against colon cancer, but its benefits against breast, prostate, or other cancers are unclear. Better benefits come from high consumption of Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL). Meanwhile, experts recommend regular physical activity, ideal body weight, a diet high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to help prevent cancer.

Vitamin D and Depression

It is not clear how the relationship between vitamin D and depression. Research has linked low levels of vitamin D in people with depression both & nbsp; old man and woman. One possible explanation is that a lack of vitamin D causes the parathyroid glands to produce more hormone. Low levels of vitamin D and high levels of parathyroid hormone have been linked to the severity of depression.

Vitamin D and Weight Loss

After menopause, most women gain weight until they reach their 60s. There is evidence that taking vitamin D and calcium supplements can slow that weight gain. In one study, women who did not get enough of both nutrients at the start had an 11% greater risk of gaining weight but the weight was maintained or even decreased as a result of taking the supplement.

Vitamin D and Children

Evidence shows that children who get adequate vitamin D, either from the sun or from supplements, have a reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Studies also link inadequate vitamin D to severe childhood asthma. Children with asthma with low vitamin D levels are treated more often and should take more medication.

Start Your Day With Vitamin D

One of the ways to get vitamin D is through your diet. In the US, nearly all milk and orange juice is fortified with vitamin D. Even a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal can contain a healthy dose. So just making sure you eat breakfast, you can make each day a “vitamin D day”

Vitamin D at dinner

Fish, especially fatty ones like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines – are good sources of vitamin D. A 3-ounce serving of cooked salmon can provide nearly 200% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D. Three ounces of mushrooms that have been exposed to UVB rays can provide 100% of the recommended vitamin D.

Eggs, cheese and vitamin D

Other food sources of vitamin D include egg yolks, cod liver oil, beef liver, margarine, yogurt, and some cheeses. Cheese and ice cream may be delicious sources of calcium, but you need to read the nutrition labels to see if you are getting vitamin D.

Supplements Vitamin D

Most people & nbsp; already has enough vitamin D in their bloodstream for good bone health. For those who want or need to increase their intake of vitamin D, taking supplements is an option. Most multivitamin tablets contain 400 IU of vitamin D. You can also find vitamin D by itself in high-dose tablets and in combination with calcium.

D2 or D3? That’s the Question .

Vitamin D supplements are available in two forms: D2 and D3. Both forms are effective, and can be taken to ensure adequate vitamin D levels. But D2 is not the same as D3. D3 is the type of vitamin D the body makes, and recent studies have shown that D3 can be three times more effective at increasing vitamin D levels.

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need ?

How much vitamin D you need depends on your age and risk factors. The recommended nutritional intake is 600 IU per day for adults up to 700, and 800 IU for ages 71 years or over. Some researchers have suggested much larger doses of vitamin D for a variety of health benefits, but too much of it can hurt you. Above 4,000 IU per day, the risk of overdose & nbsp; increased, according to the Institute of Medicine .

Daily dosage for breastfed babies

Breast milk provides multiple benefits for babies, but not a good source of vitamin D. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all breastfed babies receive a supplement of 400 IU of vitamin D per day started immediately after birth and continues until the baby is weaned and drinks at least 1,000 mL of milk fortified with vitamin D. The maximum dose of vitamin D & nbsp; per day & nbsp; is 1,000 IU for infants 0-6 months and 1,500 IU for babies 6-12 months.

Vitamin D for Children

Children may be able to get the vitamin D they need for bone growth through food, including fortified vitamin D, such as milk. Starting on the first birthday, the recommended dietary intake is 600 IU of vitamin D / day. Supplements are an option to make sure your child is getting enough vitamin D, but don’t overdo it. The maximum dose of vitamin D / day is 2,500 IU for ages 1-3 years, 3,000 IU for ages 4-8 years, and from ages 9 – up, 4,000 IU / day.

Testing for Vitamin D

Simple blood test (25 hydroxyvitamin D test) & nbsp; may be asked by your doctor to check your vitamin D level. Current guidelines indicate that you are getting enough vitamin D to keep your bones healthy if the vitamin D level in your blood reaches 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng / mL) or more. Research is still ongoing to understand how levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream can affect other aspects of health.

Vitamin D and Other Medicines

Steroid drugs can interfere with vitamin D metabolism. If you are taking steroids you should discuss vitamin D with your doctor. The same is true for weight loss drugs, some cholesterol-lowering drugs, and seizure drugs such as phenobarbitol. Cholesterol-lowering statins, on the other hand, will raise vitamin D levels.

How much Which Too many?

There is an upper limit to how much vitamin D you can consume. The Institute of Medicine recommends a safe limit of daily intake for adults to 4,000 IU / day. More than 10,000 IU per day can cause kidney and tissue damage. The best solution is to check with your doctor before taking vitamin D supplements.

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