Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

Rheumatoid Arthritis (AR): Exercises for the Joints

Men reduce Sense Pain, Increase Energy < / strong>

Exercise more often can reduce pain and become & nbsp; more energetic? It seems almost impossible in AR. How can you do the exercises, just to move around feels pain. But the above statement is true! Standing still without moving the joint reduces joint range of motion and flexibility. Silence can also cause muscle weakness and deformities in joints. Regular exercise / exercise helps reduce joint stiffness, build muscle, and improve overall fitness. With regular exercise, you can feel stronger without feeling overly tired. But first, see your doctor before starting an exercise program. Discuss with your doctor when is the best time to start exercising and how far to train.

Select Light exercise

Light exercise builds endurance and strong bones also strengthens leg muscles. Light exercise ( low impact ) includes climbing stairs, walking, dancing.

How: Start by practicing a few minutes each day, and increase the time as you can. Try to train at a moderate pace, for 30 to 60 minutes, every day.

Strengthens Muscles and Bones

Include resistance training two to three times a week to increase muscle strength and mobility as well as reduce joint pain. Strong muscles can better support joints, which can reduce pain. Strengthening training also increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight.

How: Use elastic, adjustable weights, or tools for durability. Ask a trainer at your local gym to show you how to use resistance tools.


Swimming is a great way to increase strength for all joints, as well as strengthen your back, without putting undue stress on the joints.

How: Start slowly for a few minutes in the pool. Use an escort device the first time you start moving in the water. Gradually increase the time up to 30 minutes for one workout. Increase physical activity in each training period until you reach your target time.

T Healthy body, healthy heart

Aerobic exercise helps build a healthy body and a strong heart. People with AR have a greater chance of developing heart disease. However, exercising your heart with exercise helps reduce that risk. Aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure and improves cholesterol levels. Because bone loss often occurs in AR. Weight training such as walking, dancing, and climbing stairs helps prevent osteoporosis.

Isometric Training ik

When regular strength training causes joint pain, isometric exercises are another way to build muscle. Isometrics can stretch muscles without moving the joints.

Isometric Press T S chest height < / p>

How to do this: Place your arms at chest level, then use your hands to press each other’s palms as hard as you can. Hold for 5 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds. Press again 5 seconds and rest 5 seconds. Do this 5 times. Gradually increase it until it reaches 10 to 15 seconds at a time. If this exercise makes your joints sore, ask a trainer to show you another isometric exercise.

Isometric Extensions Shoulder

How: This isometric exercise is done in a standing position, your back against the wall and your arms at your sides. With your elbows straight, push up your arms. to the wall. Hold for 5 seconds, then rest. Repeat 10 times. If this exercise is making your joints sore, ask a trainer to show you another isometric shoulder exercise.

Exercise Thigh

This exercise strengthens the thigh muscles, key support knees.

How: Sit on the floor or bed with one leg straight and the other bent. Then tighten the thigh muscles of your straight leg as hard as you can. Keep your thigh muscles tight and count to six. Take a break, and then repeat. Perform on the opposite leg, gradually increasing to five, 10 to 15 repetitions, twice a day with each leg. If this exercise is making your joints sore, ask a trainer to show you another isometric thigh exercise

Stretches for increased flexibility

Stretching is important to increase flexibility and restore joint motion. To relieve pain and stiffness, use a hot steam or warm bath before and after stretching exercises. Also, warm up with light aerobic exercise such as walking for 10 minutes before stretching to reduce the risk of injury. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Tip: Use a towel to bridge the gap between your hands if you can’t connect them comfortably.

Stretch Your Fingers

How: Close your fingers and make a fist. Then, open and extend your fingers as long as you can. Repeat this exercise, gradually up to 20 times, twice a day. To further increase your strength, use a tennis ball-sized foam or sponge squeeze motion. Release and straighten your fingers.

Keep your wrists flexible

How: This exercise is done sitting on a bench. Left arm on the table, let your left hand hang over the edge of the table. Using your right hand, take the fingers of your left hand and bend your left hand at the wrist, slowly moving up and then down as far as possible without pain. Repeat with other hand. Repeat up to 20 times, twice a day.

Do the Elbow Stretch

How: Extend your straight arms parallel to the floor, palms facing upwards. With the other hand, hold the straight fingers of the hand while pulling the palm off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Do the same exercise, palms facing down. Use alternating hands and push the tops of your fingers and hands extended toward the floor. Hold for 30 seconds.

Try Rotation Pinggul

How: Sit or lie on your back on the floor or in bed, legs slightly apart. With your legs and knees straight, turn your knees toward each other and touch the toes of your left and right, for 5 seconds. Now turn your legs and knees back out and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this, gradually up to five, 10, and then 20 repetitions, twice a day.

Get it Good legs Fleksibel

How: Stand facing a wall, palms against the wall, one foot forward and one back foot. Keep heels touching the floor, leaning forward. As you do this, feel the pull on the calf at the back of the foot and the Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle. Hold for 30 seconds. Do three repetitions, swap leg positions and repeat.

Tai Chi Increases Flexibility

Tai chi can help increase joint space in people with AR, increase flexibility, and provide muscles with a better balance. The focus of Tai chi is on breathing and creating inner silence, which allows participants to relax.

Avoid Exercise Heavy (High < em> Impact )
Strenuous exercise, such as jogging, running, or playing tennis on a hard court, can put too much stress on your joints. Lifting heavy weights may also not be good exercise for people with AR. Looking for a more intense workout? Talk to your doctor first to see if you can do strenuous exercise such as lifting heavy weights, tennis, basketball, or volleyball without risk of joint injury.

Balance Exercise with adequate rest
Fatigue is common in AR, and it is difficult to feel energetic, so it is important to balance rest with exercise. During a relapse ( flare ) , a short rest is very important to reduce joint inflammation and pain and can reduce fatigue. Doesn’t mean bed rest, unless your doctor recommends it. Lack of activity can weaken muscles and increase joint pain.

Consider Personal Trainer
Talk with your doctor about the benefits of a personal trainer. Having a personal trainer allows you to personalize your workout, while improving fitness and avoiding injuries. Don’t let rheumatoid arthritis stop you from exercising the way you want to.

(modified from