Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

IRA APLAR course on Rheumatology Jakarta 24-27 February 2016

A Course on Rheumatology has been held in Jakarta on 24-27 February 2016

APLAR-IRA Course on Rheumatology in Jakarta Indonesia

Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases continue to be a burden for health care all over the world. With its enormous population, Asia will face the greatest burden compare to other regions in the world. Health care workers in Asia will face much greater task to deal with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and its consequences. On the other hand, in recent years there are a lot of progress in terms of the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases and also recent advances in diagnostic and treatment for rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. To face the upcoming challenges of increasing burden of people with rheumatic diseases in Asia-Pacific Region and to keep up with the latest development in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment in rheumatic diseases, physician in the field of rheumatology must continually updated their knowledge. On that basis, Indonesian Rheumatology Association (IRA) with the support of Asia Pacific League of Association for Rheumatology (APLAR) held the APLAR-IRA Course on Rheumatology on 24-27 February 2016. This course was held to give a basic understanding and update on disease mechanism in rheumatic diseases, as well as on diagnosis and treatment. Basic knowledge on pain and immunology in context of rheumatic diseases and its role in rheumatic diseases were also discussed.

There were 14 experts in Rheumatology from Asia Pacific countries, including Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia involved in this course and shared their valuable knowledge to all participants. Most of the participants were rheumatologists, the rest were adult and pediatricimmunologists, trainees in rheumatology and immunology and several internists who have interest in rheumatology.

APLAR-IRA course was formally opened by dr. Sumaryono as IRA President and Prof. Kazuhiko Yamamoto as representative of APLAR. This course was started with presentation and discussion by Prof. Kazuhiko Yamamoto (Japan) about genetics of rheumatic disease and update on rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis, followed by Ass. Prof. Katsuya Suzuki (Japan) who presented about autoimmunity and recent advances on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) pathogenesis. 

On the second day, discussions started with the topic of innate immune system in rheumatic diseases – presented by dr. Yoga I. Kasjmir (Indonesia), and the role of adaptive immunity in the development of rheumatic diseases – presented by Ass. Prof. Temy MokMo Yin (Hong Kong). Prof. Mok also talked about clinical course, treatment, and prognosis of early arthritis and undifferentiated arthritis. Prof. Handono Kalim(Indonesia) then presented a topic on painpathophysiology and management. Prof. Patrick Hanrahan (Australia) shared knowledge on difficult rheumatoid arthritis cases and the role of biologic agent in rheumatoid arthritis, and followed by Prof. Maureen Rischmueller (Australia) who explained about the management of difficult SLE cases and Ass. Prof. Anselm Mak (Singapore) extensively explained about Sjogren Syndrome.

On the third day, Ass. Prof. Anselm Mak(Singapore) delivered presentation on pathogenesis and management of systemic sclerosis. Topic of inflammatory myopathy also being presented by Prof. Maureen Rischmueller (Australia).  Prof. Chung-TeiChou (Taiwan) also participated in this course by delivering presentation about spondyloarthropathies and pregnancy in autoimmune rheumatic diseases. While Prof. Syed Atiqul Haq (Bangladesh) presented the diagnosis, classification, and management of vasculitis.

On the last day of the course, Prof. WorawitLouthrenoo (Thailand) gave lecture about crystal-induced arthritis. Then Prof. Chng Hiok Hee (Singapore) presented lecture on vaccination in autoimmune rheumatic diseases, followed by Prof. Yeap Swan Sim(Malaysia) who presented about controversial issues in osteoporosis management. The last session was about future treatment of osteoarthritis presented by Prof. Handono Kalim (Indonesia).

There were several interesting cases being presented in the two interactive case discussion sessions during the course to be discussed by all the participants and experts who were participated in this course. The discussion on both sessions was very lively and active and a lot of questions being discussed.

Most of participants acknowledged that this IRA-APLAR course was very useful for them who work as rheumatologist in clinical practice as well as in teaching of rheumatology. The organizing committee would like to thank all the experts and participant who contributed to this course and also to APLAR for the support. We hope this event can be held regularly for thedevelopment of Rheumatology field in Asia PacificRegion. 
(Lisa Kurnia Sari/ Laniyati Hamijoyo/ Suryo A/ IRA)