Category: Scientific Articles
EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI): Domain, Value, and Definition
EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI): Domain, Value, and Definition
How to Assess the Widespread Index (WPI) and Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) in Fibromyalgia
How to Assess the Widespread Index (WPI) and Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) in Fibromyalgia
IRA APLAR course on Rheumatology Jakarta 24-27 February 2016
A Course on Rheumatology has been held in Jakarta on 24-27 February 2016 APLAR-IRA Course on Rheumatology in Jakarta Indonesia Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases continue to be a burden for health care all over the world. With its enormous population, Asia...
RheumaHelper – Android Apps on Google Play
RheumaHelper – Android Apps on Google Play… PLEASE SEE THE WHATS NEW TAB. A hyperlinked guide to Infectious Diseases. Over 600 pages of information on antibiotics, organisms and diseases.
Calcification of the Knee Joints
Calcification Sendi Knee Laniyati Hamijoyo Rheumatology Division & nbsp; Department of Internal Medicine FK Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, West Java Introduction Calcification of the joints & nbsp; often experienced by those over 50 years old. & nbsp;...
Broken Bone or Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by reduced bone mass and bone microarchitecture damage that causes bones to become brittle and increases the risk of fractures. The latest definition of osteoporosis is a bone disorder characterized by reduced bone strength which...
Calcification of Joints or Osteoarthritis
Definition Calcification of the joints in question is osteoarthritis. What is osteoarthritis (OA)? Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that affects the joints and bones around these joints. In the past, OA was considered a degenerative disease, or a disease of...
The difference between calcification and bone loss
Difference between Calcification and Bone Loss dr. I Nyoman Suarjana, SpPD & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Among the people, the term joint calcification...