Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

Pain in the knee

Home Forums Consultation Pain in the knee

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  • #4105 Reply

    Dear Doctor, I want to ask about the pain I feel in my knee. I am a woman aged 26 years, weight 53 kg, height 158. A few days ago I felt pain in my knee, even though I was not lifting heavy weights or sitting / squatting too long. I just lay down and after that I stood up and started feeling pain. Previously, I often felt pain when I was traveling to Bandung and had to sit for about 3 hours (the pain was not as painful as a few days ago). Can I know a temporary diagnosis, whether my knee pain is due to the depletion of lubricant in my knee or is there any other indication given my weight which in my opinion is still ideal and I rarely lift heavy objects. Previously I said thank you.

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