Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

Pain in the body

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    good afternoon doc .. I’m a 29 years old boy. single. I have suffered from this disease for 1 month and 10 days, the first time the pain was felt in the side and under the knee of my right and left leg when I woke up in the morning .. it was very painful when bent and made to walk … because I could not move my body freely, so when I woke up my bed uses my hands to change body positions. as a result, the palm of my left hand also hurts badly in the wrist and elbow of my left hand. Until now I have tried 6x muscle massage, 2x acupuncture, it didn’t get better, when I visited my doctor I was given ultrachet and dexa medicine as well as other pain relievers, the pain was reduced but didn’t go away … when the medicine ran out, after 2 days it felt again in the joints feet .. because I have to work and use the motor while traveling. my current condition … — in my left wrist hurts and there is a lump, the doctor said inflammation (tenosynovitis) – the pain goes away when taking medication and occurs if I don’t take medication — my right elbow hurts, maybe because I have to riding a motorcycle and often having one hand because the left one hurts, it doesn’t go away even though I’m taking medicine — the sole of my right foot hurts when walking on its heel and doesn’t go away when taking medicine – the line or joint behind the knee feels tingling when walking and straightens, also when squatting – the pain decreases when taking the medicine, but does not go away, and it feels even more when the dose of the drug runs out .. – until now I have consumed 40 ultrachets with a dose of 3 times a day the uric acid test is still normal, cholesterol is only more than 8 points from the limit normal … please advise … thank you ..

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