Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

Ankylosing spondylitis

Home Forums Consultation Ankylosing spondylitis

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  • #4099 Reply

    My doc has scanned and was sentenced to ankylosing spondilities and I often experience pain and stiffness, sometimes I can’t move because of this pain and pain I’ve experienced about 8 years, is there a solution doc

    #8369 Reply


    I was diagnosed with AS 17 years ago (I’m 34 now).
    There’s no solution for that but you can reduce the pain as much as you can. What I do is:

    – Eat healthy – avoid inflammatory/processed foods (I dont drink milk, dont eat meat, sugar not too much :P, alcohol not too much) Basically research what is a healthy diet and stick to it

    – No smoking

    – Stretching everyday and gym everyday if possible. Mobility exercices for my spine also

    – Reduce stress as much as you can

    – Bowen Therapy (it’s similar with acupuncture but without needles.

    – Don’t stay sit for too long!

    Of course there’s days I don’t do that, there’s days I eat junk food, but I tried to follow the above “rules” as much as I can 😉

    I’m always open to try different kind of alternative medicines.

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