Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

Address of the specialist doctor’s practice in the Depok area

Home Forums Doctor’s Practice Address of the specialist doctor’s practice in the Depok area

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  • #4006 Reply

    Dear Doctor, I have been suffering from gout for quite a while (10 years). This past month I have had a gout attack. I have tried seeing a specialist (Sppd) but it has not been cured. now both my knees are swollen so they can’t be bent. Can I ask for the address of a specialist dr (Sp.pd.Kr) who is close to my house (Depok), thank you.

    #7155 Reply

    Sejak 2-3 bulan ini sakit sekali pada tangan dan kaki. Kaku kadang bengkak dan kemerahan. Ga tahan sakit dan Kaku nya. Sulit digerakkan. Sy penderita Diabetes Melitus sejak 2007. Terima kasih.
    PS. Kolesterol dan Asam urat OK dan ginjal OK hasil lab Prodia

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