Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

dr. Riardi Pramudiyo SpPD-KR

dr. Riardi Pramudiyo SpPD-KR

Divisi Reumatologi, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran, RS. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung

Riardi Pramudiyo is a senior rheumatologist consultant at Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia. After finishing his medical education at Airlangga University, in 1968, he continued his residency in Internal Medicine at Padjadjaran University and graduated in 1979, and later became consultant of rheumatology at 1986.

He works at internal medicine department since 1979 and actives in teaching in rheumatology since 1981. Currently as a member of Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine (PAPDI) and Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) and many other medical organizations.

Alamat Praktek
Jl. Rajawali Barat 454 Bandung 40184, Telp (022) 6012995
Senin - Jumat, jam 17.00 - 21.00
RS. St. Borromeus
Jl. Ir. Juanda no 100 Bandung
Senin dan Kamis jam 15.00 - 16.00
RS. Santosa
Jl. Kebon Jati no 38 Bandung 40181
(022) 4248 333 ext 2000
Selasa jam 13.00 - selesai, Jum'at jam 10.00 - selesai