Perhimpunan Reumatologi Indonesia
Indonesian Rheumatology Association

dr. R Gantira Wijayakusumah Danasasmita, Sp.PD

dr. R Gantira Wijayakusumah Danasasmita, Sp.PD

R Gantira Wijayakusumah Danasasmita is a medical professional with expertise in internal medicine and rheumatology. She completed her Internal Medicine residency programme in Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia in 2020. She has experience in diagnosing and treating various internal medicine conditions, including join in multiple inter-disiplinary team in her workplace.

Being interested in rheumatology autoimmune diseases and musculoskeletal diseases, she has followed several training and workshop in rheumatology fields. She is currently undergoing specialized training in rheumatology at University of Indonesia.

dr. Gantira is affiliated with Yarsi Hospital and Kramat 128 Hospital, as a general internist. She is also involved in academic programme as clinical lecturer for medical student at Faculty of Medicine , University of Yarsi, since 2021.

Alamat Praktek
RSU Yarsi
Jl. Letjen Soeprapto Kav 13 RT.10/RW.5, Cempaka Putih Timur, Kota Jakarta Pusat
Selasa, Rabu, Jumat 16.00 -19.00 | Sabtu 09.00 - 12.00
RS Mandaya Royal
Sabtu 15.00 - 18.00